NS Records in Shared Website Hosting
The outstanding Hepsia CP, included with with our shared website hosting packages, will enable you to take care of the name servers of any domain registered through us with simply a few clicks, so even though you may have never had a web hosting plan or a domain address before, you won't encounter any issues. The Domain Manager tool, which is a part of Hepsia, comes with a very user-friendly interface and will permit you to modify the NS records of any domain or even a number of domain addresses all at once. In addition we provide you with the opportunity to create child name servers dns1.your-domain.com and dns2.your-domain.com for each and every domain address registered in the account just as easily and all you need for that is a couple of IP addresses - either ours, if you are going to use the child NS to point the domain address to the account on our cloud platform, or the ones of the third-party company if you will use the new records to forward the domain to their system. Different from other companies, we don't charge extra for providing this additional DNS management service.
NS Records in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you invest in a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you're going to be able to handle the NS records of each domain registered inside it easily. The Hepsia CP, which is basically an all-in-one tool where you can deal with everything relevant to your web presence, provides a very simple and user-friendly interface. The section where you will find all your domains is not an exception, so even if you have never had a domain address and a website hosting account before, updating the name servers or entering additional ones won't take you more than a several clicks. You are also going to have the ability to see with a glance what name servers each of your domains uses currently and if they are the ones required to forward that domain address to the semi-dedicated account. As an additional feature, we present you with opportunity to set up child name servers dns1/2.your-domain.com at no extra cost. This will give more credibility to your site, especially if it is a business one, and you could use these name servers for every other domain name which you want to host inside the semi-dedicated account as well.