InnoDB in Shared Website Hosting
Every PHP script-driven web application that requires InnoDB will function flawlessly on our cutting-edge cloud hosting platform and the MySQL database storage engine is offered with all our shared website hosting packages. Every time you create a database manually or our app installer tool creates one automatically and an app installation is initiated, the engine that the database will use will be selected in accordance with the app’s requirements without the need to edit any setting in your shared hosting account. InnoDB will be chosen automatically for any app that requires this specific engine and you will be able to make the most of its full capacity. We will carry out regular content backups, so in case you accidentally remove a database that you need or you overwrite specific parts of it, we’ll be able to restore everything the way it was just a few hours earlier.
InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers
InnoDB is offered with all our semi-dedicated servers by default, so the moment you buy a new account, you can go on and activate any script-driven app that needs this storage engine. Several engines are installed on our cloud platform, so when you set up a brand new database and begin installing an app manually, or opt to make use of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel-integrated app installer tool, the engine for the database will be set in accordance with the prerequisites of the respective app. This will permit you to activate and run InnoDB-specific applications without having to deal with any obstacle and without the need to change any settings in your semi-dedicated account. To be on the safe side, we’ll always keep a 1-week-old backup of all your MySQL databases, so if you erase or edit any content by accident, we can swiftly restore it.
InnoDB in Dedicated Servers
When you order a new dedicated server, you’ll be able to select one of the 3 Control Panels offered by our company – Hepsia, DirectAdmin and cPanel. Any dedicated server ordered with Hepsia comes with InnoDB pre-activated, so you will not need to enable this MySQL storage engine manually so as to be able to use PHP-driven web applications that require it. InnoDB is used by scalable apps and since a dedicated server will give you all the server resources that you require to manage large-size sites, it is rather likely that you will use InnoDB. You’ll be able to make use of other engines too, so in case a particular app needs MyISAM rather than InnoDB, you won’t have to deal with any obstacle while using it. The engine that will be used will be automatically recognized when the app installation procedure begins, so you won’t need to configure any settings manually at any moment.