Data Backups

Your website content could be recovered at any time

Not a single web site is safeguarded against cyber–thieves attacks. Your site could be affected even by unintentional content deletion on your part. With our backup solution, we’ll easily retrieve your site content at any moment. Aside from the regular server backups that we’re creating, you can yourself make manual backups of all your website content with a click of the mouse using the File Manager, which is available in your Online Control Panel. Simply make an archive of the file(s) that you want to manually back up and place it in a location of your liking.

Data Backups

True Cloud Platform

We have utilized the newest cloud server technologies when constructing our own hosting platform, which is invulnerable to unexpected performance disturbances and outages. All of the services related to your website like DNSs, e–mail messages, databases, web apps, etcetera are run on separate web hosting servers so that even if there is an overload problem, your site will still be running seamlessly.

True Cloud Platform

Web Hosting Control Panel

Control your sites with a click of the mouse

It is now so much easier to attain complete control of all your sites with the avant–garde Online Control Panel that we’ve created for you with ease of use in mind. Manage all the website files with smooth drag–and–drop movements, register, transfer and manage multiple domains from a single place, set up email accounts straight away, manage e–mail marketing campaigns without difficulty, set up & access your own databases with a click, keep track of web site stats in real time, and so on. Innovative features like a hotlink protection tool, a framework installer and an .htaccess generator are available as well.

Web Hosting Control Panel

24x7 Support

24x7x365 Client Support

Our team of professional technical support engineers will be available 24–7 for any questions that you may have with regard to our shared website hosting solutions. No matter whether you are in need of advice or have a serious matter to solve, we will be here to assist you. You may contact us via email or through the ticketing platfrom. A 60–minute response time is guaranteed. You can also call us on the telephone or use our live chat service during work hours.

24x7 Support

NVMe Drives

Your site will be significantly faster with NVMe drives

All new desktop computers and laptop computers boast NVMe disks and for a reason. NVMes boast faster read and write speeds, making everything visibly faster. Exactly the same will be valid for your web site suggested that you host it with Premium Hosting Service – all our shared website hosting servers boast NVMe disks and all the websites hosted with us open much faster compared to those hosted on typical hard drives.

And the best of all is that you don’t need to change, tweak or configure anything at all so as to make it open faster.

NVMe Drives

Multiple Data Centers

Shared website hosting plans in the USA, in Europe and in Australia

At the present moment we have datacenter facilities in America (Colohouse in Chicago, IL), in Europe (UK Servers in close proximity to Coventry, Ficolo in Pori, Finland and S3 in Sofia, Bulgaria) and in Australia (Amaze in Sydney). We have meticulously selected every single datacenter so as to ensure first–rate shared website hosting solutions for your web sites and apps. There aren’t any additional taxes – the price will remain the same irrespective of which datacenter facility you choose.

Multiple Data Centers

Web Stats

Keep track of your site 24–7–365 from your web hosting Control Panel

The Online Control Panel includes a selection of thorough web statistic tools that will offer you detailed information regarding your website. You’ll be able to examine your site’s traffic in more detail and learn everything concerning your visitors – where they come from and what device and browser they’re utilizing. You can select from among 3 stats tools – the popular AWStats and Webalizer tools and a new full–featured web analytics software tool that we’ve built with your feedback and suggestions in mind.

Web Stats


A safe web application firewall

Shield your web applications (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etc.) against hacker attacks using ModSecurity. ModSecurity is a firewall intended to guard web apps against hack assaults. We’ve configured the firewall software in such a way as to hamper all known site attacks momentarily. By default, ModSecurity is enabled for all hosts, but you can disable it for any web site you would like.
